Individual Consultations

Individuals can schedule one-to-one sessions with me to work in person (preferred), via Skype, ZOOM or on the telephone. The session can be at minimum a half hour and at maximum 90 minutes. We can schedule as many sessions as we would like and they can be with any frequency. Every two weeks is a common schedule. Fee is $90 an hour.

Key Assumptions

  1. All dreams come in the service of health and wholeness.
  2. No dream comes to tell you what the dreamer already knows.
  3. Only the dreamer can say  what meanings his or her dreams may hold.
  4. The dreamer’s “aha” of recognition is really an unconscious memory and is the only reliable mark of dream work.
  5. All dreams speak a universal language of metaphor and symbol.

Key Steps

  1. Find the triggering event or concern
  2. What is the most surprising or shocking moment?
  3. In what ways does the imagery convey messages that are not “ordinary” or just “shocking?”
  4. In what ways does the dream contrast with waking attitudes?  In what way does it amplify?
  5. What are the outstanding emotions?  How are they the same or different than in waking life?

One-On-One Services

  • Price: $45.00 Quantity:
  • Price: $90.00 Quantity:
  • $0.00
  • American Express